SDG: 10

If you wanna go fast, go alone. If you wanna go far, go together

Ida Östensson
Ida is one of Sweden’s most prominent feminist advocates and an important voice of equality. Ida has an ability to find concrete, daring and creative solutions to difficult social issues. During the #metoo movement she was a front figure and gave concrete suggestions on how to make real change. Her engagement in equality started early and she has made a positive impact on gender equality in the skateboard culture as well as initiated the Fatta-movement against sexual violence and for consent.


Ida founded the Make Equal Foundation in 2010 with the aim to make society more equal and inclusive. Make Equal works with solution-focused methods for equality. We provide trainings and lectures for organizations that want to reach and include new target groups. We create campaigns that raise awareness of how to be part of the movement toward a more equal and inclusive society. A few examples are #killmiddag, #skärpning and #ochjagprotesterade.

Impact story

Make Equal in general, and Ida in particular, has been celebrated for their ability to reach out with methods for equality to “the masses, the doubters, and the skeptics”. We are convinced that everyone can be a part of creating positive change and that everyone regardless of gender must be involved if we are to succeed. Throughout Sweden boys and men have gathered to talk about gender equality and masculinity through the initiatives #killmiddag and “All we don’t talk about”. As Ida says: “It's time to go from feminist self-defense to masculine self-responsibility”.
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